Setting Goals for Disability Inclusion
The importance of goal setting Put plainly: setting goals for disability inclusion enables us to recognise when we have achieved them. Not dissimilar to writing a shopping list. We all go to the supermarket now and again without one and how often do we regret that...
Disability Awareness Session – What’s Your Goal?
What are you doing before and after your disability awareness training session or talk? How are you measuring the impact of the session? How are you ensuring you meet the needs of the audience? Now, when I say meeting the needs of the audience, in this context I am...
Disability Inclusion – I Did Something
In this blog: When promoting disability inclusion, it’s important to be consider as many factors as possible. Here are some tips to get you started. Quick Links: Planning for the majority Captioning services Think about access requirements Looking deeper Setting...
Disability Awareness Training Benefits
In This Blog: there are many benefits to disability awareness training. Within this blog, we have listed just 7 of these and the ways to harness these benefits within your organisation Disability awareness and inclusion training can often take a backseat to other...